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We help you become best in class at supporting returning mothers back from Maternity leave.

Mother at work supporting another mother through mentoring after maternity leave
What's the problem?

Mothers need more support returning from leave

Every day Mentor Mums hears from returning parents about how having children has impacted their careers.

Some have navigated parental leave fraught with issues around physical or mental health, periods of isolation, significant reduction in income and sleep deprivation.

Others are returning to workplaces or landscapes that have changed beyond recognition. Often it’s not clear how they fit in, and sometimes they’re made to feel unwelcome, or less valuable to the workplace now they’re a parent with new priorities.

Fewer than 1 in 5 returning women feel happy and confident about returning to work.

A whopping 9 out of 10 women are not offered any formal support through a returner programme.

Nearly 4 in 10 feel so unsupported and isolated on their return they considered handing in their notice.

If nothing else, with so many returning parents considering whether the return to work is really for them, managing extended leave well is simply makes good business sense.

What do we offer?

We offer organisations a holistic programme to help support parents back to work


Our anonymous survey will gather information about your colleagues’ experiences at all points of the parenting / extended leave journey.

We’ll use this data, along with some 1:1 interviews, to build a picture of your culture, and then present you with our findings and recommendations.


We’ll design a bespoke programme of support to help your management team make workplace improvements or address cultural challenges.

This might include workshops, web-based training sessions, and creating or revising resources for returners and for those that work with them.


We’ll work with your team to roll out our support programme in a engaging and pragmatic way.

Our industry experts will instill confidence in your team, leaving you with ideas and tips to share with other colleagues.

Let's start a conversation.